Chicago Skyline - original on Jason Grays' Chicago Skyscrapers site
Skylines & Scrapers
-- Worldwide highrise statistics --
by Egbert Gramsbergen
Hong King Two International Finacial Center under construction (now finished) - picture from CNN
1 - Hong Kong
2 - New York
3 - Shanghai

Skyscraper cities ranking list, according to an algorithm that takes into account both heights and numbers of tall buildings in each city (part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Also interactive skyline maps of the world, SE Asia, N America and Europe, a mathematical analysis, a skyline poll and a history section. Empire State Building
[picture from the
official ESB site]
Ranking list of all buildings at least 213m / 700ft tall, including those under construction or planned. Latest (2009) and historic lists (2004 and older down to 183m / 600ft) in 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2000, 1990, 1980, 1970, 1960, 1950, 1940, 1930 and 1920.
Graph of building heights vs. year of completion, with different continents marked in different colors. Shows some interesting temporal and geographical trends over the last century.
Shows the number of tall buildings as a function of their height and gives an empirical formula to describe the distribution of heights.
Did you ever wonder what the most efficient shape is for a skyscraper city if we want to minimize average travelling times? Anyhow, here is the answer.
Links relating to tall buildings. Links relating to particular cities are included in The World's Best Skylines

Skyscraper in other languages:
Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Russian
Page hits on this site until 2013-09-16 3,202,610
created: 1999-07-26 -- last update: 2013-09-16